Misting Nozzle Quick Connector in misting system
Misting System describes a whole range of outdoor cooling methods that use a fine spray of water. These systems are known by a number of terms including fogging systems or Spray Cooling. They can all reduce dust and odors in the area, as well as static electricity and the presence of flying insects. They can even help regulate humidity so are terrific for plants –greenhouses, atriums, courtyards, etc. And they can cool you without getting you wet. There are some that can get you wet, though.
Learn more about other misting system products we can supply!
• The most efficient placement for a mist system is around a perimeter of an outdoor area. In addition this will form a mist cooling curtain.
• For mist systems mounted 8-ft to 10-ft above the ground position the nozzles 24-in apart. Therefore if the misting system is mounted higher, make shorter nozzle spacing by cutting it with PVC cutter or utility blade.
• Predetermine your mist system location and where it will attach to the water source. Furthermore we recommend that the system is mounted on the bottom of your supporting structure.